Campaign Update Late October

The campaign was there during the San Bernardino Yes on 6 rally on October 27th. I gave some signs to supporters in the eastern end of the 20th State Senate District which appreciated my presence.

You will likely see a video of myself shot for the Rialto Now blog about my race at that event.

Is there any undecided voters who are saying that I do not have my formal positions on the issues announced that you know of? I have my flyer available for download that you can share to your undecided friends and family so you can get a basic understanding about my campaign.

I am still answering emails from voters who want some clarification. Monday before Election Day I do expect I will get some emails and I will try my best to answer them before you head to the polls on Tuesday.

Yes on 6
Gathering of supporters at the Yes on 6 rally.

Welcome Readers

It is now October, many of you have received your vote by mail ballots particularly in Pomona. This is my update for the month and I am here to discuss a few things.


I will be at the Chino Tea Party meeting on October 13th. We meet at Archibalds in Chino Hills which is near the Chino/Chino Hills border at 9am. You can meet other candidates that cover our surrounding communities and perhaps pick up some signs from us as well.

Speaking on Issues

I was featured in an article on KVCR FM’s website a few weeks ago about the warehouse issue in Bloomington.

I discussed the mental health issue with an advocacy group dealing with mental health at Behavioral Health Action. The main takeaway from most of my points is we should use the revenue from that tax increase to fund mental health causes that has been collecting dust for mental health needs.

As Seen In Several Voter Guides

I was mentioned in several activist group voter guides in our district from the Chino Tea Party to the Redlands Tea Party Patriots as a candidate to vote for. I thank them.

Signs Are Here

campaign sign for 2018

Hello friends and supporters, campaign signs are being ordered and will be deployed to residences and businesses of the 20th district. I will also place a few at the Upland Republican Party headquarters as well for people to obtain them.

As of October 22, the Upland office at 222 N Mountain Ave Upland Suite 202  (near mountain and 9th street) has around 10 signs available for people to pick up. They are open M/W/SA/SU right now.

Any supporter who donated who lives in the district will get a sign reserved for them as well. I thank those who donated so far for my race.



I have all my signatures and I am almost ready to go to the county office to be a declared candidate for State Senate for the 20th District again.

I will be your Republican candidate to offer you a choice from the former city councilman and the incumbent from the Democratic Party.

If you do not like Propositions 47, 57 and AB 109 which have made our neighborhoods dangerous.

If you do not like how our governor and legislators could care less that we do not build new water storage to help us keep the water we receive instead of us flushing it down to the ocean.

If you do not like how gasoline can rise another 70 cents plus in 2021 thanks to our incumbent assemblyman and state senator voting for AB 398.

There are plenty more issues to discuss in this campaign and I hope we have spirited discussions about them.

I also was interviewed by a Bay Area newspaper about my race as well.


Interested in helping to spread the message of my campaign? There is a link to do an online donation. Campaigns are not cheap and I would appreciate your support. Money will be spent well to help increase our audience for our ideas for a better 20th State Senate District and a better California.

You can donate monthly or a one-off donation. It is your choice.

If a sufficient amount of money is raised, I will either mail or drive to your place to drop off signs and or bumper stickers either in the primary or the general if desired.