Welcome to my 2024 General Election voter guide for Ontario, California.
We will do local races from state legislature on down.
Assembly District 53
Nick Wilson
Nick is a decent man who deserves a chance at this state legislative seat. With a heavy Democratic Party majority, we can afford to take a chance on him so we can have new perspectives on law-and-order issues and issues such as the price of gasoline.

Congressional District 35
Mike Cargile
Mike may be a different type of political candidate than most are used to, but he wants to make our district better. He is fed up with his opponent’s horrible policies on foreign affairs where his opponent wants to use the federal government to overthrow politicians in Central America. He is also not happy with the immigration issues which our current presidential administration has failed to vet many of our migrants. His opponent does not want people who are here illegally who commit crimes against police, fire and first responders to be deported in H.R 7343. Norma has been an apologist for open borders since she became a politician, and we need someone who can U-turn this ship around.
City Council Districts 1 and 4.
Personally, I am not pleased by either faction of the city council, but 2026 has time for us to choose better. I do not want progressives to be in our city council because they will be the next state legislators and congressional members that will represent our community.
I am not happy with the current faction either. We need a fiscal audit and work with the County Auditor and also private sector auditing firms to make sure our tax money is used effectively. If our tax money is not being used effectively, I would support a reduction of the sales tax increase.
I am not for Raquel due to the fact that I was not a big fan of her father. I am not supporting Luis because he basically threw poop at the Republican leaning electorate telling them that it’s a bad idea to vote for him. Joseph is an unknown quantity where I am led to support the status quo of Ontario for this election.
Debra Porada is my choice. For those who live in District 1.
Then we go to District 4, Norberto Corona has a law enforcement background, Andrea Galvan is going to be as left as Connie Leyva, Celina Lopez seems decent as a community activist, but I can see her being as progressive as Andrea. Daisy Macias seems to be more like a Baca Family type candidate that will not rock the boat. Jose M Nikyar may have signs, but he does not have a web presence or visibility to show the voters what is his agenda.
If I lived in District 4, I would either go with Norberto or Daisy Macias.
School Board Races
Some races were uncontested so they are not on the ballot, but I will list all the school board races that voters in Ontario, California will vote in.
Chino Valley Unified School District area
Trustee Area 1:
John Andrew Cervantes
Mountain View School District Bond
Measure H: NO

San Bernardino County Board of Education Seat C (Ontario portions of Chino Unified and Mountain View school district)
Maria Arias
Cucamonga School District Trustee Area 2 (area bordering Rancho Cucamonga eg: 4th and Turner)
The rest of the board got recently reshuffled and we need someone new instead of someone who has been there for 16 years and running on autopilot.
For disclosure just to note that I am assisting her campaign.