Mega Thread on Mail in Voting

Links of articles to share to your friends and family. Instead of mailing in your ballots turn them in to the official county drop in sites or ballot harvest with your political party (in California) if you are not able to vote at the polls.

Links brought to you by the donald web site.

Confessions of a voter fraud: I was a master at fixing mail-in ballotsĀ

Cat gets voter reg app

Local news experiment

Chaos in NY. The Atlantic

Skid Row signatures for cigarettes

Obama mail in voting

Guilty plea in Philly:

CBS Experiment shows mail in voting flaw:

Mail in ballots for dead people:

New Jersey Ballots:

Unauthorized absentee ballots:

GOP voter fraud:

West Dallas:

Millions of extra registrants:

Guilty in NY:

South Texas Vote Harvesting:

6 felonies in Michigan:

North Carolina:

Florida fraud:

Voter fraud in NJ:

Ballot harvesting investigation: Whitehouse Voter fraud PDF:

Voter Fraud Database:

Miss counted absentee ballots Detroit