I recently learned that my incumbent state senator who I desire to challenge for a rematch has a very lousy 8% score with the National Federation for Independent Business.
Small business owners are the lifeblood of our economy. These are the people who help make our communities and our state successful. If our incumbent and the district wants stuff like single payer health care then platitudes are not going to cash the checks.
We can not afford for more businesses to fold or move to states such as Nevada and Texas. We need the jobs and tax revenue as a whole. With automation due to the unsustainable minimum wage increase we need more places where people can find opportunity. Not all of us could work for government or the tech industry to find the great wage of success.
Many of the bills that NFIB opposed led to increased liabilities financially and legally that were displayed on the 2017 scorecard which could be found from the link above. She voted against the organization 11 times, abstained once and voted with them on one bill. Some of the bills mentioned were to expand paid family leave which increases costs on businesses who may be running on tight margins, bills to ban counties from using private labor to do contracts and lastly cap and trade 2.0 which will make operating in California a more costly obligation.
I would like to see companies such as Toyota and Mazda to pick California instead of Alabama. I would like to see companies like Nestle and Toyota remain instead of having migrated out.