City of Ontario Tax Increase 2020

It seems that due to my frequent voting, I am one of the first to find out if local agencies want to raise taxes. I am here to sound the alarm that my city of Ontario wants to raise the sales tax another half cent. The irony is we are blessed with industry and we are not exactly built out like our neighboring cities that may have a pressing need for the tax increase.

I understand the city wants to improve features such as our library system but is the issue of improving the library system seems to be a sweetener to increase our sales tax rate in perception. Taxpayers have been abused statewide where it leads to skepticism to trust the elected leaders from our state leaders down to our city council that new tax revenues will be spent responsibly before they come knocking for more money.

Republican Reconstruction Time Again

We are in the cellar more worse than the 2018 Baltimore Orioles and we need to get back to a slightly more marginal team for the next cycle in the California Republican Party

The first goal is a vision. Without a vision there is no mission for us. We need to tell people why they should choose us over the governing state Democratic Party. What better ideas could we provide to solve the pain points of the California resident and business owner?

After the chairman election we have to get the next platform draft written, the next draft should be a fresh and new platform draft so we can show that we are a new party. Average voters do not pay attention to the document, but the news media and the rabid base in both parties do watch the platform.

The second goal is taking care of the brand, we have to restore the brand after the Democratic Party saying we are a bunch of racists and other pejorative titles. Even though there are people of ethnic communities who may have traditionalist values, they still vote for the Democratic Party even though they don’t like the new graphic sexual education law passed in Sacramento that their state legislator voted for as an example.

The third goal is money, without money we die harder than an airplane test pilot. We have to get people to help register voters, canvass neighborhoods and over ballot collection services with the new legalized harvesting of ballots. 5 or 10 dollars a month, if you are fed up with how our state is going we need to be investors. Democrats donated like there was no tomorrow and we have to do the same. Look into Carl DeMaio’s Reform California or the state Republican Party voter registration effort fund if Travis Allen or Steve Frank win the office in late February. 

Stop the Harris Takeover of Our Mountains

U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris introduces her first local conservation bill that would protect the San Gabriel River and add more than 100,000 acres to the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument. Find more information about the bill here.

This bill is most likely going to the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee and should be dumped in committee. Find the Republicans on this committee and tell them you do not want this moved out.

Even though we may not live in their states, we live in the state affected by the bill and we do not want further control of our lands by the federal government.

The End

The results were not as good as 2014, but I tried my best to give the voters of the 20th State Senate District a choice. I thank those who did vote for me. It does take money and a boat load of time to make the race competitive, but it will take more development for the party and other interested parties to find someone who can do this again in 2022. It does take at least 10-16k to have a campaign with a bit more visibility.

I wrote some rants on my official campaign Facebook page that I would like to post here.

The general public in California will need to be prepared to save up money for tax increases for the utopia of my former opponent and our new Governor. California will only become the playground of the poor and the rich if they don’t understand the limits of their dreams. Be prepared for a services tax where the mechanic and hair salon will also have a tax equal to the sales tax.

Voters need to be vigilant about their incumbents no matter what party they come from. Watch their votes like a hawk, even the ones that they are too embarrassed to showcase in their “Important Legislative Update” Be community organizers like former President Obama when legislation is not going in your direction.

How much more regulations, how much more taxes will people accept before they cry uncle at Governor-elect Newsom, Assemblyman Rodriguez and Senator Leyva? I could accept diversity and inclusion, but you three are suffocating the middle class.

Yes, voters in many cities did raise their sales and or utility taxes, but even when cities like Rialto done this they still are in fiscal dire straits.

I know it may be tempting to pack up and leave, but we can not surrender without a fight.

I thank the voters in the primary and the general election for voting for me and the contributors who did their best to help fund my campaign.

I will still be around as your San Bernardino and state Republican Party committee member until July of 2022.


Campaign Update Late October

The campaign was there during the San Bernardino Yes on 6 rally on October 27th. I gave some signs to supporters in the eastern end of the 20th State Senate District which appreciated my presence.

You will likely see a video of myself shot for the Rialto Now blog about my race at that event.

Is there any undecided voters who are saying that I do not have my formal positions on the issues announced that you know of? I have my flyer available for download that you can share to your undecided friends and family so you can get a basic understanding about my campaign.

I am still answering emails from voters who want some clarification. Monday before Election Day I do expect I will get some emails and I will try my best to answer them before you head to the polls on Tuesday.

Yes on 6
Gathering of supporters at the Yes on 6 rally.

Welcome Readers

It is now October, many of you have received your vote by mail ballots particularly in Pomona. This is my update for the month and I am here to discuss a few things.


I will be at the Chino Tea Party meeting on October 13th. We meet at Archibalds in Chino Hills which is near the Chino/Chino Hills border at 9am. You can meet other candidates that cover our surrounding communities and perhaps pick up some signs from us as well.

Speaking on Issues

I was featured in an article on KVCR FM’s website a few weeks ago about the warehouse issue in Bloomington.

I discussed the mental health issue with an advocacy group dealing with mental health at Behavioral Health Action. The main takeaway from most of my points is we should use the revenue from that tax increase to fund mental health causes that has been collecting dust for mental health needs.

As Seen In Several Voter Guides

I was mentioned in several activist group voter guides in our district from the Chino Tea Party to the Redlands Tea Party Patriots as a candidate to vote for. I thank them.

Signs Are Here

campaign sign for 2018

Hello friends and supporters, campaign signs are being ordered and will be deployed to residences and businesses of the 20th district. I will also place a few at the Upland Republican Party headquarters as well for people to obtain them.

As of October 22, the Upland office at 222 N Mountain Ave Upland Suite 202  (near mountain and 9th street) has around 10 signs available for people to pick up. They are open M/W/SA/SU right now.

Any supporter who donated who lives in the district will get a sign reserved for them as well. I thank those who donated so far for my race.


September Newsletter

In August I wrote the official opposition letter to Chaffey College Measure P which you can see on the county website and your upcoming sample ballot. I am trying my best to stand up for taxpayers in our community. With Democrats trying to kill off Proposition 13, we need to do our best to restrain tax increases as much as possible. 60 dollars for a 400-thousand-dollar home may be a small increase in your tax bill, but with other school districts in the past adding their charges it is another weeks’ worth of groceries you could have bought with that increase.

The best government is a government that is not severely bloated. Sacramento and local governments have a swamp just as much as in our nation’s capital. I am not that ignorant that some facilities must be repaired, but should we at least make a pledge to make the money last until the 2002 Measure L bond is paid off at the minimum. People think bond money is free money like the credit card promotional offers, but people must pay these costs in the long run.

As someone who would like to become a state legislator, I think there should be a better process when it comes to school bonds where the bond firm and the district must list the top 5 categories the proceeds of the bond would be used for and there would have to be two public information sessions about a proposed school bond. One during their normal meeting time and one during the opposite meeting time where if a district meets at 2pm, they would meet at 6pm for a public session.

Aside from the school bond issue, our incumbent has exited the legislature for the session and made so many horrendous votes. As your candidate against her, I hope to be used as your way to vent your frustration about all these bad votes during the last two years. I will be posting some links to some of the bad legislation that has happened during this session on my official campaign home page.

If you want future candidates from the Republican Party to challenge our incumbents we need your support. Candidates such as myself, Toni Holle and Christian Valiente would appreciate you telling your friends and family about us and possibly sending in a contribution for our races. We may not have six figures or more to run our races, but we absolutely would appreciate your support.

August Campaign Newsletter

We have nearly three months until the election. My campaign is about giving the voters a way to vent their frustration with Sacramento in the way our incumbent state senator has voted on issues such as crime and taxes. If I did not run, we would have had her unopposed and that would have been very disappointing because the guy I beat died. I am not here to be everything to all people, but I would rather be honest. I believe our motorists should not be the ATM machine for our government when many of us are struggling to afford our commute to work and our home/rent payments with her SB 1 and AB 398 votes. August 15th will be the event in San Bernardino where you can hear from Carl the proponent of Proposition 6 and candidates such as myself.

I do plan to attend the next Chino Tea Party event on August 12th, if anyone has any issues that they feel need to be discussed let me know before or after the meeting. People are more than invited to give checks if desired there as well. 15421 Fairfield Ranch Rd, Chino Hills, CA 91709 9am is when the meeting begins.

My district includes two major churches and there are issues that many voters do find important this year when it comes to faith, life and values.

SB 320, the college abortion pill is coming closer to passage, since our legislator is the author it will be mighty difficult to ask her to reconsider her bill. However, tell your friends and family who live in other districts why the abortion pill should not have easier access in our college campuses when the pill is not exactly perfect for the woman herself where complications can happen.

AB 2943, I may have a divergent opinion on this bill compared to others in my political party, but I oppose the bill because I realize this bill will be likely overturned in the federal supreme court causing major damage to LGBT rights advocates and I highly recommend that the author pull the bill for the session. I may agree that there needs to be solutions to the issue, but the way the bill is written it is perceived as bringing a nuclear bomb to a fist fight. Personally, I do not want a costly and divisive campaign to repeal the likely law either. Even if you have the majority in the legislature the Democrats underestimate the religious conservative community in our state.

Money helps big time with political campaigns. Your donation can make a difference. Running on fumes is not fun either, I would like to see another 1600 dollars raised by fall. You can do monthly donations or one time donations via the website.

Better State Party Leadership Is Needed

In addition to being candidate for State Senate District 20, I also sit as member on the state, Los Angeles and San Bernardino County Parties as your nominee for 2018. I am concerned about our future prospects as a state party, the same trajectory is not going to cut it.

I agree we got a decent cash injection in the last five years, but in exchange for the cash injection we sold our soul where many Republicans and people who lean to vote in our party lost the enthusiasm for our candidates after being served statewide candidates that had little or no difference to the Democratic Party choices.

We have to be different because people will want the real thing instead of a pale imitation. We want candidates and office holders to stand up against the state Democrats instead of jumping in the pool with them. Voter registration and voter education will be necessary as soon as possible so we can help get the electorate to make change.  Continue reading “Better State Party Leadership Is Needed”