Bylaws are NOT Suggestions

When the county party is re-organized in 2025, new bylaws are proposed, or the previous bylaws are kept. Right now, we have a structural problem in the San Bernardino County Republican Party since Curt Hagman took it over back in 2013. We need to follow our bylaws, or we need to scrap the language so we can be consistent.

Our mission is to do things properly if we want to be an organization with integrity and stability. If we have rules about attendance, then the rules need to be followed. If we have rules against endorsing Democrats in contested elections, then that should be followed as well. If we have rules about paying our dues before voting on endorsements and policies, then that should be followed too.

Members even back in 2015 knew stuff was fishy no matter if Curt, Jan, or Phil Sr. led our party. Policies should not be selectively enforced where individuals from the minority faction get targeted when the majority faction may have violated rules as well. The rules need to be followed or they are just toilet paper.

I would like to see issues about our bylaws addressed before our organizational meeting in public where all alternates, members and ex-officio members would have an opportunity to have their say. The carpet indeed must match the drapes. We want an organization that we can be proud of. We should run with higher standards so we can avoid legal issues and people can have confidence in what we stand for.

I don’t want to return to the days when law enforcement wanted to investigate our county party.


I have little to no tolerance for bullies of any kind. No matter if it’s the bullies in high school who made my life hell where I had to question my path walking to and from school and from one class to another in fear of my safety. Or the bullies that dominate in present day time from Senator Leyva who wanted to slaughter an extremely low budget candidate in a mailer when her race was already settled during my first race in 2014 to our current chairman who thinks the people who disagree with him are a joke.

I am not here for the laughs or to be belittled, I am here to bring back integrity to the San Bernardino County Republican Party. I want us to be fighting for us to get Republican legislators elected and not to surrender a district to a least toxic Democrat, when the least toxic Democrat will vote for a speaker or State Senate leader who will appoint disgusting committee chairs who will promote legislation to make California more dangerous and expensive to live in. I want a county party where we can unite the factions to make sure we have shared ownership in the organization. I do not believe in throwing the incumbent chairman and his buddies off the cliff like what Los Angeles County did when they reclaimed control of their party in 2014 and had a perpetual grudge against me because I supported the reformers who wanted to change their county party. If we are here to work together there should be no reason to throw individuals off the organization.

We should not be the Jerry Springer Show equivalent during our meetings. Even if leadership may not agree with the ideas of the reform faction, there is a way to be classy and never trashy. When the Chair, 1st and 2nd vice chairs did not show up, one of the recent meetings became chaotic which led to more bad blood. Condescending actions from the Secretary led to even more negativity two months later during another meeting. We need to operate like the Speaker of the British House of Commons where if you argue your points respectfully you get your time to discuss the issues at hand.

The health of our organization is a critical concern. People want the bills paid; people want collaboration. Yes, we need collaboration within the grassroots groups that make up our party. Executive board leaders need to attend at least one or two grassroots meetings each month so they can read the pulse of the community. Our organization needs to be an organization that is for the whole and not the elite such as people who want to pay off legislators to get projects approved.

I believe in doing what is right for the stakeholders involved. I want us to be a model county party that has an improved status within the county parties of the California Republican Party.

Show ME the MONEY

“Show Me The Money” | Jerry Maguire (

San Bernardino County Republican Party has a money issue and it has failed us in the last three plus years as an organization. Our chairman Phil Cothran Sr previously was finance chairman for the previous chair Jan Leja and spoke proudly about his fundraising prowess, but aside from his Team Fontana buddies our party has languished badly where we even had a 50,000 dollar debt to pay one of our county party employees.

After Phil Sr got his desired candidate for county supervisor, he decided to put the county party in hibernation where we had no executive director to finish out the 2022 election cycle and refused to use a targeted donation for paying Ryan Sorba until the end of 2022 where it also led us into more debt because the donor wanted his money back.

The membership would like to see a fundraiser like the one that was used to pay off the debt to that employee that had a huge debt to be held regularly so we could have the money to grow the party. We need an organization that can fund the pizza and hamburgers to feed the volunteers who canvas the neighborhoods. We need an organization that will work towards registering voters to make Senate District 29 and Assembly District 50 competitive. We need to bring back more factions in the party together instead of laughing them off as being insignificant.

If we want more volunteers we need to stop alienating various groups within our party. If we keep on alienating people we will end up having to pay people to be employees to canvas for our candidates and issues as a party.

As what Cuba Gooding Jr recited in that clip from Jerry Maguire, we need our current chairman to deliver results for the entire slate of our candidates not just the ones in his immediate nexus in Fontana. He has not shown us the money from his time as finance director and has not shown us the money as of right now where he and his allied PACS are spending more money to keep their positions than to help get out the vote.

2026 and 2028 can be thrown away in the garbage can if we make the wrong choices this March. Vote for the reform slate to make sure we have a party that works for all of us not just the ones who live in the chairman’s neighborhood.

I envision a county party where the grassroots shall invest in with their time and money. I want to meet with various groups involved within our party and ask them what would they like for us to do in the Republican Party of San Bernardino County. One time donation of 25 dollars, 5 dollars a month or even a 200 dollar yearly donation, it takes all donors to make the party what it can be.

We can not entirely run the operations on the dues from the members, alternates or ex-officio members alone. Fundraising should not entirely be the responsibility of the chairman, but we have to be a team to work together to get things done.

The Beginning of a Movement

What has happened in 2022 and 2023 has led to a movement to change the party for the better in 2025-2029.

There are articles that I helped write or contributed to that could help tell more of the story.

SB County Party On The Danger of Losing its Edge

Compared to Orange and San Diego Counties, the county party is on autopilot and we can do better than this.

Membership Not Happy About Local Leaders Endorsing Democrats

One of the elected Jesse Armendarez that received a huge chunk of donations from the county party decided to endorse a Democrat for State Assembly when it is being contested by Republican Nick Wilson of Chino.

You are also invited to check the financials from 2022 and 2023 from the federal government and the state government as well.

The Campaign Is a Team

This campaign is not just about getting myself on the county party committee, it is also about getting other likeminded people on the county party. There are party nominees who also earn a seat on the committee in all districts that have San Bernardino County in it and the supervisorial district candidates as well. We all may have different opinions, but we are for bringing integrity back to our county party. There will be a listing of all allied ballot qualified candidates that will be advertised on our slate.

Campaign for County Party Committee

Hello voters of San Bernardino County who reside in the 4th Supervisorial District. You have an opportunity to select six people who reside in the area to represent our party on its regional governing board. I have been an active participant in the activities of our county party since 2014 and would like the opportunity to be elected by the party voters of our community.

I have run two major campaigns to offer voters a Republican choice, not a watered down not as toxic Democrat for State Senate in 2014 and 2018. I have helped pass some transparency in the California Republican Party in 2021.

I am here to be a regular attendee of the meetings of the organization, make sure that we recruit and encourage our candidates who run for office as proud registered Republicans.

I would like to request those we endorse to answer a simple questionnaire that we used to do in the past and ask basic questions about their campaign, political philosophy and whether they are willing to be team players for our ticket.

Our bylaws should mean something, bylaws should not just be only suggestions. If we have policies, we should enforce those policies. If people are supposed to pay dues, they need to be paying those dues or be current on a payment plan.