The Trouble with Health Care in California


Yes, SB 562 the single payer bill supported by our incumbent state senator is still ready to advance through the legislature even though the speaker of the assembly decided to give it an impasse. The nurse’s union, Gavin Newsom and my incumbent are deluded to think that single payer will be the salvation for the people of our state and my district.

I agree that people in the 20th State Senate District want improved access to health care and services. Our district is one of the top fourth of those not doing that well economically and people are thirsty for a solution even if it wrecks the health care infrastructure.

It is a mistake that our incumbent voted for this bill when the provisions were not fully explained. Single payer may be the red meat for the supporters of the incumbent, but the principles of the legislation are not going to be sustainable. It will not be like a buffet lunch at a top Las Vegas casino with SB 562 which the proponents are trying to tell the state it will become where they state that you can get all the services you need with no co-payments, deductibles, or insurance premiums and they will not care about your residency status in the country either. However, you will be paying more taxes in exchange for an increased role of the state in health care.

With so many people wanting health care its highly likely that the infrastructure will be stressed. The budget will be rationed just as much as private sector health insurance programs. It will not be like cake and ice cream for all. We must come up with an estimated 400 billion dollars a year to fund this program yearly. To help come up with the funding the Democrats in our state who have been resisting the Republicans will have to convince them to surrender Medicare and Medicaid money to the state of California if they keep control of the presidency or either chamber of the legislature in the coming years. Senior citizens will be reluctant to sacrifice the federal maintained program in exchanged for the California managed program. How will we be funding this severely costly program that will cost more than four Jerry Brown rail systems each year was the most integral part that the authors Atkins and Lara failed to share to the public. Continue reading “The Trouble with Health Care in California”

Low Expectations In Education Must End

It all began with the elimination of the California High School Exit Examination where former Senator Carol Liu suspended the high school exit examination until the end of this current school year in 2015 in SB 172. How will we know how students are doing and did our students learn during their time as high school students was the big concern of many Californians. The 2018-2019 school year is approaching, and it seems there is no replacement for the CAHSEE for our students that are based on the new Common Core standards that California utilizes.

It is perceived that suspending the exit examination was simply just a way to mask low graduation rates in our schools. We should figure out why our students are not learning, we are spending a big chunk of our state budgets on K-12 education and we should make sure that our students are doing their reading, writing and mathematics up to a reasonable level. One of my policy suggestions is to pilot reading programs in the high schools so we can improve reading skills of our students as an elective or required class depending on one’s skill level. If students can comprehend the material that they are learning they should be successful.

Recently this year the California State University is joining the low expectations parade. The leader of the CSU Timothy White wants to eliminate placement exams and remedial classes to help students get to standards in the university. Placement exams have been used in the Community College system to help students take the right classes for their needs, so they do not take classes that are not too advanced or too basic which helps save students and taxpayers money. Timothy White may feel that waiving the requirements may accelerate graduation of our students where they may not linger in the system longer, but maybe we should give students better class registration if they comply with placement exams and make sure they go through advising each quarter or semester. The action against placement exams seems very irrational. Continue reading “Low Expectations In Education Must End”

A Democratic Party Civil War We Do Not Need

No need for cat fights or childish games, the Chino Valley deserves better. I may be annoyed by my congresswoman Norma Torres, but this civil war within the Democratic Party incumbents is simply sad. We don’t need to behave like we are from Taiwan where their legislators throw chairs at each other.
I disagree with Connie, Freddie and Norma and we should not have to worry about if we want to be jabbed with 100 daggers or 99 daggers with the 52nd Assembly district. I hope Republicans choose my ticket mate Toni Holle to provide some sanity in the race and make this civil war costly for both Democrats.
In the 20th State Senate District which I will be filing soon for, I am running because I have seen no leadership on the issues of Proposition 47 and 57 where it did little for reducing crime in our state. I am running because we need better ideas on water management instead of sending windfall gains of water straight back to the ocean. I am running because I find little logic in 100% renewable energy when countries such as Australia are facing blackouts due to these policies. I am running because working families can’t afford four or five-dollar gasoline which the incumbent’s votes and policies will lead to this progression. We can still refurbish our existing refineries and build a new one while planning with hydrogen fueling stations for new technologies for the future.
I want to provide the voters a choice not an echo. We don’t need a battle between two candidates who are virtually identical. Unfortunately, when name brand candidates gave up on Assembly District 52, its up to the activists to speak up until the name brand candidates get the courage to run again.
Even though this war may be amusing, our communities do not need it.


I have all my signatures and I am almost ready to go to the county office to be a declared candidate for State Senate for the 20th District again.

I will be your Republican candidate to offer you a choice from the former city councilman and the incumbent from the Democratic Party.

If you do not like Propositions 47, 57 and AB 109 which have made our neighborhoods dangerous.

If you do not like how our governor and legislators could care less that we do not build new water storage to help us keep the water we receive instead of us flushing it down to the ocean.

If you do not like how gasoline can rise another 70 cents plus in 2021 thanks to our incumbent assemblyman and state senator voting for AB 398.

There are plenty more issues to discuss in this campaign and I hope we have spirited discussions about them.

I also was interviewed by a Bay Area newspaper about my race as well.

Continuing My Term As Party Committee Member

As a Republican running in a district with great odds, I am also running to continue my membership on the state and county Republican Party committees. There are issues I would like to see dealt with in the state and county parties.
For the state party I would like to see a subset of our delegation elected by the registered voters in each assembly district for four-year terms as how the California Democratic Party does it. People would pay a caucus fee to run for a state party delegate spot and they would campaign among their fellow registered republicans who have been registered for at least 1 year with the party. We can tier the delegates elected based on registration where the lowest would have 3 and the highest would have 9 for each assembly district. Those who become elected would be required to pay their first two-year term fees within 45 days of election else the next people on the election would take their seat.
The problem with the state party is its more about the movers and shakers than the grassroots of our party where many are just packing up for other states or becoming no party preference. The grassroots activists in California need a voice.
For San Bernardino County for which I attend most of the county party meetings, I try to give my voice and vote for integrity. I helped work on a resolution against SB 277 with the county party back in 2015. I prefer local elected Republicans with a spine endorsed instead of those who are just registered Republican.
Running for county party central committee is not cheap nor is running for a district that is heavily outnumbered by the other political party. However, I would like another four years to represent the people of Senate District 20 either way in Sacramento or in my political party.


Interested in helping to spread the message of my campaign? There is a link to do an online donation. Campaigns are not cheap and I would appreciate your support. Money will be spent well to help increase our audience for our ideas for a better 20th State Senate District and a better California.

You can donate monthly or a one-off donation. It is your choice.

If a sufficient amount of money is raised, I will either mail or drive to your place to drop off signs and or bumper stickers either in the primary or the general if desired.


Our Incumbent The Obstacle to Small Business

I recently learned that my incumbent state senator who I desire to challenge for a rematch has a very lousy 8% score with the National Federation for Independent Business.

Small business owners are the lifeblood of our economy. These are the people who help make our communities and our state successful. If our incumbent and the district wants stuff like single payer health care then platitudes are not going to cash the checks.

We can not afford for more businesses to fold or move to states such as Nevada and Texas. We need the jobs and tax revenue as a whole. With automation due to the unsustainable minimum wage increase we need more places where people can find opportunity. Not all of us could work for government or the tech industry to find the great wage of success.

Many of the bills that NFIB opposed led to increased liabilities financially and legally that were displayed on the 2017 scorecard which could be found from the link above.  She voted against the organization 11 times, abstained once and voted with them on one bill.  Some of the bills mentioned were to expand paid family leave which increases costs on businesses who may be running on tight margins, bills to ban counties from using private labor to do contracts and lastly cap and trade 2.0 which will make operating in California a more costly obligation.

I would like to see companies such as Toyota and Mazda to pick California instead of Alabama. I would like to see companies like Nestle and Toyota remain instead of having migrated out.

Where is the leadership from our feminist state senator?

The #metoo movement is going forwards where the men who have sexually harassed/abused women in politics and in Hollywood have taken consequences where they either lost gigs as actors or lost their seats as legislators as examples. However it seems even when it comes to sexual harassment and abuse if it affects their political party they could care less when it comes to Senator Tony Mendoza of Artesia.

Our incumbent has the union label stamped on her just as much as the leader Kevin De Leon and the new leader Toni Atkins where she is absolutely an insider with some pull in the chamber. They asked Tony to exit the chamber for a month while an investigation will be conducted, but the alleged offender is still in Sacramento conducting business when he was told to lay low where he was working on bills in Sacramento while on leave. Hopefully Kevin Le Leon will tell him to stay away until his suspension is over.

If you are not happy with the lack of leadership from the California State Senate Democratic Caucus, feel free to call Connie and or Kevin De Leon. Our incumbent says she was going to be a strong leader for women in her first few campaign mailers in 2014, but she needs to be consistent in what she is preaching. Those interns who work for politicians such as Tony Mendoza are approaching the age of her older daughter and she should want respect for all interns who work for the chamber no matter what political party the host legislator comes from.

Its not about protecting women it seems, it seems the incumbent and her friends want to protect the ability to raise taxes by not booting him for his transgressions.

Postscript: To be fair, she did vote for Melissa Melendez’s whistleblower bill AB 403 recently. However it seems on the Mendoza issue she is running the clock.

January Update

    Welcome to the January campaign update:

I am starting to get signatures to help secure my nomination in the Top 2 primary for Senate District 20. Progress is decent where I have around half the signatures needed. However getting the nomination signatures required would be nice, however getting extra signatures has its benefits. Each valid signature is worth 53 cents down the filing fee. If you are not able to donate to my campaign, getting your friends and family who are able to sign my petition is very priceless.

I am re-introducing my Twitter page again. You can visit that resource at @munsoncampaign on Twitter.

It is also going to take MONEY to help spread our message throughout the 2018 campaign for myself and my fellow ticket members such as Toni Holle and Sean Flynn. Even though we will be handing out flyers to our targeted precincts we will work for other campaigns as well so we can be a successful ticket for June and November. I will do my best to find a processor that will allow for monthly contributions so it can be manageable for supporters to make things possible.

Thank You

December 14th It Begins!

December 14th it begins. I will be going to San Bernardino to file for State Senate District 20. Although its highly unlikely that I will be seated in Sacramento next year, I will be running for another term as your county Republican Party and state party committee member.

Compared to those who are ordinary committee members for the county political party, I have to run a regular campaign for elected office and articulate the Republican and my personal vision for the seat.

This is the time where we can express our views about the issues we care about and our incumbent has to listen to us because just like the other 19 members of the body running in 2018, they have to run for their seats again.

I hope to help get out the vote for allied campaigns in Senate District 20 such as the congressional race in most of the eastern half of the district and the county supervisor race in the western part of my district.

If you live in the district, I hope I can attain your signature. I will be planning an east valley signature event in January as well.